Farewell Dear Friend


It is with a heavy heart that we let you know that our dear friend Dr. Kerry Ridgway passed away today, January 3rd. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, his beloved, his Christine.

Kerry was a remarkable man, horseman, veterinarian and lover of life. An indefatigable researcher with a passion for horse welfare and wellness.

A man with an elegant, agile mind and a great sense of humor. A kind man. A man with a strong social conscience who cared deeply for Earth and its future. A man engaged in life with intelligence, gusto and with age, imbued with a wisdom born out of experience, pain but also joy.

A man who knew how to love. Who spoke well of others, who was proud of his family and found pleasure in small things and in things well done.

A man with a superb work ethic who transcended his illness and fatigue and gave his whole self over when he taught, lectured and treated horses.

A veterinarian that understood training and management induced lameness like no one else and developed what can truly be termed revolutionary assessments and treatment protocols for issues ranging from ulcers to psoas to hyoids, to high heel/low heel syndrome, to crooked horse syndrome and more.

A man who was honest and loved teaching. A man whose keen intellect and thirst for knowledge should be an example to us all. He was always reading, writing, exploring.

His innovative and thought provoking contributions to the field of equine health will continue to touch the lives of horses for all times and we at La Mancha will do our level best to help share his work and keep his legacy alive.

Farewell Kerry, we salute your spirit and your heart and wish your soul well on its next voyage.

We love you.